I left you last time, with the clouds shown above being blown away, producing the most glorious cyan skies I may have ever seen. Unfortunately, we had already started our decent by the time the sky made its presence felt.
We took a moment to stop walking and catch our breath—no mean feat at 11,000 feet! The air was still, and there was no noise at all. Then, the familiar sound of woodpeckers filled the air. One even came over to see what all the bright clothing was in aid of.
I was thankful for autofocus when taking this shot, as at the time of shooting, my left leg was submerged in snow up to the knee, and I was busy using my other hand to stabilise myself.
We made our way back to the car, and decided to drive to Boulder National Park for Sunset.
Driving down to 5000 ft, back up to 7000 ft, we were confronted with a fantastic view of where we'd spent the best part of the day.
A view which left me both figuratively, and literally, breathless.