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Kiyomizu Temple, Yasugi

3 minute read

Staying within the serene grounds of Kiyomizu Temple in Yasugi was an experience unlike any other. The paper-thin walls and wooden architecture offered just ...

When sharpness matters

4 minute read

In the world of high-resolution photography, sharpness and megapixels often take centre stage. However, as I reflect on my experience with Sony’s powerful A7...

Around Zug

less than 1 minute read

A weekend digital detox with a visiting friend meant hiking, sightseeing, and minimal screen time—just enough to view and share some photos. Letting the im...

Updates to the Site

8 minute read

After years of using Squarespace, I finally made the switch to Jekyll and GitHub Pages. The reasons? Clunky editing, restrictive workflows, poor mobile apps,...


1 minute read

“Our random drive through the back roads of central Japan took us to Izushi, Hyogo prefecture.”